Thursday, December 6, 2012

Reasons to love

I keep hearing different kinds stories everyday about kids committing suicides because they keep getting bullied. The story that cut my heart in two was when i heard about a 11 year old boy hanging himself because he just couldn't take the hurting other kids were dishing out to him anymore.

I keep wondering everyday. what would drive a person with so much hatred that they would go out their way to hurt someone to the extent that the person their bully can't take it anymore and feel like the necessary step they need to take is to just not exist anymore? Is it because we feel that they are just different from others? or because you think that they are so ugly, you just can't to look at their face anymore? this is all wrong.

I believe we were all created a different way for a reason. we need to find a reason to love. we need to go out of our way to show love to others. when we see someone been treated wrongly, stand up for them. Do not stay silent. Learn to love always.

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