Monday, September 24, 2012

10 Interview Questions

Sibylla Chipaziwa
Multimedia Journalism 1 COMM 106, Mondays and Thursdays 12:30PM to 1:45PM

10 Interview Questions
1.      Who are you?
2.      Where are you from?
3.      How long have you been living here?
4.      Why did you move here?
5.      Did you have much choice in deciding where to live?
6.      Was it easy/difficult settling in? How so?
7.      What are some things that you like about living here? What are some things you do not like?
8.      Are you here as a student and/or for work?
9.      Are you planning on building a life here?
10.  Do you have any regrets? If you could do things differently, would you?

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